Haunted Winnipeg

Ghost Stories From The Heart Of The Continent


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Ghost Stories From The Heart Of The Continent

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Unexplained footsteps at Seven Oaks House. A woman vanishing into thin air at the Hotel Fort Garry. Spirits reaching out from beyond the grave at the Pantages Theatre. Just what is happening in Winnipeg’s heritage buildings at night? Early Winnipeg was a booming city full of excitement with no shortage of murders, cheating lovers and tragic accidents; all play a role in Winnipeg’s reputation as one of Canada’s most haunted places. Haunted Winnipeg shares with the reader the city’s best-known ghost stories, as well as some lesser-known tales. Hear about the people who may be haunting these historic sites while learning about the buildings’ unique and creepy history.



MATTHEW KOMUS has developed programs and exhibits for many different museums and heritage sites in Manitoba. Topics covered include everything from hockey and haunted buildings (very popular), to modernist architecture and composting toilets (not as popular).  Haunted Manitoba is his second full-length book, following Haunted Winnipeg. He also operates Winnipeg Ghost Walk, the city’s first walking tour on haunted buildings.

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Epub, Kindle, paperback